
Monday, May 4, 2015

Asian Bean Salad

I'm back!

I know I've been gone for a little while...Prom, graduations, some health issues. No excuses really.

Just look at this gorgeous salad though!

Its packed full of flavor, nutrients and....


Yes ma'am, it shore is. My youngest has switched to a gluten free diet to try and alleviate her symptoms of JIA. You'd be amazed how this can easily be adapted to. Bread and pizza are probably the hardest to duplicate, but people are very creative these days.

Plus, you know, it's a good thing to limit things containing wheat, rye or barley, once in a while...

I'm not sure I can give up a slice of sourdough now and then though. 

I'm so happy eating this salad though and I think you will be too. I used garbanzo, green and kidney beans, but feel free to sub your favorite bean. I added celery and sugar snap peas for crunch, green onions for that little bite and rice vermicelli noodles to amp up the asian factor. 

The dressing though, oh my word, that is what takes this over the top. Big Asian flavors! Such a difference from the sweet, tart version everyone thinks of with a bean salad.

It's easy to throw together, keeps beautifully and it will make you and your family happy!

Serve this at your next BBQ or potluck and you'll have some happy people there as well!